Project Description:
The Castletownshend main drainage project includes 2 no. marine outfalls discharging into the harbour. The HDPE outfall pipes vary in size between 150 to 250mm in diameter, extending between 25 to 120m from landside. The outfalls are located in over 10m of very soft seabed sediments overlying bedrock. LCE undertook the lead civil and structural design role for all marine outfalls.
Scope Description:
Hydrographic and geophysical survey scoping, procurement and management
Design of HDPE subsea pipeline
Pipeline ballast and stability design to DNV and PDS010
Seabed evolution assessment
Hydrodynamic load assessment (Wave & Current)
Rock armour revetment / scour protection design to CIRIA guidance
Detailed FEA settlement analysis in 11m of very soft silt
Design of a bespoke 15ton floating concrete structure to support the outfall diffusers 120m into the estuary
Glan Agua Ltd (for Irish Water)
Project Location:
Castletownshend, Co. Cork
Project Duration: